Pre Access Recorder

Pre Access Recorder non standard reasons for restriction.
— RecordSearch note


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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A3963 S1/5/1 Royal Commission on Petroleum. BHP (Hematite) 12.10.73 - 19.6.74 1973 - 1974
A1928 1020/85 Staff Permanent Victoria T.J. White 1921 - 1944
A2487 1922/5992 [Transfer of war gratuity bond to augment funds for the education and training of children of deceased and totally and permanently incapacitated soldiers - Thomas V Nichol] 1921 - 1922
A3959 A2/16 Staff. ERIN ADAMS 1974 - 1976
MP1049/5 1944/2/198 Recommendation for operational awards to officers & men of the escort forces of South West Pacific area 1945 - 1945
A3959 A3/7 Consultants - McDonald, Wagner & Priddle Pty. Ltd. (with PURVIN and GERTZ, U.S.A.) 1974 - 1974
MT99/2 1945/537 Staff - Hodkinson M C - 2nd Grade Diver 1943 - 1946
A2487 1922/12441 [Illegal disposal of furniture - Recovery from war gratuity - George Henry Ward] 1921 - 1922
CP23/3 WHOLE SERIES Public Service Board 1936 - 1937
A437 1947/6/76 Schroeder, Carl Heinrich Julius - Deportation 1946 - 1947
A1928 1020/73 Staff Permanent Victoria A.C. Evans Enginedriver. 1926 - 1929
A1995 1 Minute Book - National Insurance Commission 1938 - 1939
A705 42/2/198 [Compensation - Accidents in Service] - Trust account in respect of late AC 1 Milner, A E D [3.5cms] 1938 - 1954
A1567 677/2/5236 Murphy A.W. Confirmation of Appointment 1941 - 1941
A432 1931/1577 Customs Act 1901/30 Section 154. Deduction from Value for Duty of Cash Discounts allowed on Domestic Market but not from Selling Price to Purchaser 1931 - 1931
A3963 S3/Q20 C & D. CARSAS (Mr. & Mrs) 1970 - 1976
A2487 1922/15982 [Disability not due to war service - Edgar Heysed] 1922 - 1924
A2487 1922/8546 [M Brennan - Disability from war service] 1922 - 1922
A1567 677/2/5247 Transfer of Hicks, Witt & Jack, Miss M.B. 1941 - 1941
B1334 TSTF/GES/22 Packages 1947 - 1948